Effectively replace Firefox web-developer's extension in Safari

Firefox has some tremendous web developer capabilities: listening and modifying http requests, the web developer extension, DOM browser, Firebug to name some. Source Chart is also amazing. Firefox has one huge problem, however: it is zloooow on my mac and once I load all of these extensions, it gets even slower.

[Rant paragraph: the killer browser for the mac platform, imho, will be a webkit browser which can easily allow for extensions: if I want to store my bookmarks on del.icio.us, it should seamlessly integrate with that. If I want to install 50 extensions, it should allow me to do that, without becoming a 800 pound gorilla.]

So, I spent a bit of time yesterday trying to get Safari to mimick as much as possible some of the indispensible functionality in the Firefox developer extensions. Most of the scripts that I found were already there. Some I made.

Step 0: Enable debug menu in Safari
Just open Terminal.app and type the following:
defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1

Step 1: Enable debugging
Go to webkit.org and download the newest webkit browser. Inside the dmg package you will also find an application called Drosera. Drosera is your webkit debugger.
Bonus point: by using webkit instead of Safari 3, you will get the newest Page Inspector, which is tremendously better than the original Safari 3 Page Inspector, which ships with Safari 3 (Edit: this page inspector is now standard in Safari 3).

Step 2: Most important Web Developer extensions for Safari
Please note: remove the newlines from the following lines of code.
Show tables:
Hide tables:

Execute javascript:


View generated source:

Step 3: Tinker headers in Safari
No known solutions yet. Any clue how to do this easily?


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